"Breakfast" - K's Choice
Leiam com atenção! Acho estupenda esta letra, natural e engraçada! :)
I woke up between dawn and night,
thought I heard the voice of mommy.
Sound as if my parents had a fight,
so I woke up my brother lying next to me.
I wonder why she's making all that noise,
better go and check it out.
So without trying to breathe only the sound of little feet
we were about to discover what that noise was all about.
And as we opened up the door,
we saw them lying on the kitchen floor.
We were grateful for they both did their best,
but we said: 'Hey, ther must be an easier way to make breakfast.'
They both got up real fast
as if they were caught (or something)
And then we understood at last
it was a surprise breakfast they were planning.
Mommy stumbled: 'Later, kids, you'll understand.'
While daddy was busy putting on his pants.
we said: 'We already do, don't worry we'll do the rest.'
So far for our quest, we made coffee, boiled eggs.
We made them breakfast.
I woke up between dawn and night,
thought I heard the voice of mommy.
Sound as if my parents had a fight,
so I woke up my brother lying next to me.
I wonder why she's making all that noise,
better go and check it out.
So without trying to breathe only the sound of little feet
we were about to discover what that noise was all about.
And as we opened up the door,
we saw them lying on the kitchen floor.
We were grateful for they both did their best,
but we said: 'Hey, ther must be an easier way to make breakfast.'
They both got up real fast
as if they were caught (or something)
And then we understood at last
it was a surprise breakfast they were planning.
Mommy stumbled: 'Later, kids, you'll understand.'
While daddy was busy putting on his pants.
we said: 'We already do, don't worry we'll do the rest.'
So far for our quest, we made coffee, boiled eggs.
We made them breakfast.
É engraçada a forma como a situação se torna tudo, menos embaraçosa aos olhos de uma criança...
É ainda mais engraçada a reacção dos pais ser descrita de forma tão inocente pelos filhos...
Era tão bom quando éramos assim, inocentes! Agora estamos vergados perante a "sociedade aberta e viciosa" que nos leva a nem sequer encarar a vida com alguma esperança e alegria...
Que maravilha!!!! :) E eu a pensar que era uma letra daquelas dramáticas sobre violência doméstica. Viva o optimismo!! :)
Beijo menina!
Hoje em dia não há é miúdos assim... com 3\4 anos já sabem mais sobre sexo do que os pais deles... ;)
Letra fixe
já os vi ao vivo!! :))))
Que letra tão engraçada! :D
Como seria bom também os nossos pais de vez enquando estarem por perto, e melhor seria se também pudessemos acordar com o pequeno almoço feito por eles, num entendimento encantador, para que o dia pudesse começar mais risonho... tal como agirmos nós e porque não, supreendê-los com uma saborosa ementa matinal? ... A pressa poderia abalar tais planos, a falta de apetite causada pelos enfadonohs pensamentos... Enfim! Prá próxima sou eu a fazer o pequeno almoço... com direito a morangos e torradinhas ;)
Legal. São coisas simples como um "breakfast" que valem a pena.
Aqui esta uma musica que nao fui eu a dar-te injecçao para gostares dela hehehehe
Excelente blog, quando for grande quer ter um blog assim ;)
Finalmente alguém que gosta dos Ks choise não é todos os dias. Esta letra é fenomenal concordo contigo.
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